Afraid Of All Weather And Weather Forecasts At Once? Talk About That.

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On a true Olympic level, it would be baffling not to see how climate change is affecting the lives of millions of people right now. I have fever. An incomparable, implacable, almost frightening heat. In case anyone missed the news, the first week of July is probably the hottest week on earth. Just a week ago, a heatwave hit parts of Mexico, Texas and the southeastern United States, sending temperatures above 115 degrees Celsius and killing at least 12 people. The heat dome continues to stretch west this week, with temperatures expected to exceed 110 degrees Celsius for more than 13 days in Phoenix, Arizona.

UN declares first week of July's hottest world record;italy swelters under cerberus heatwave which could break europe's temp records, texas is in the middle of a brutal prolonged heat wave

It’s not just North America.

According to a study, about 61,000 people died during the heat wave last year. Today, parts of the country and North Africa are sweating from the Cerberian heat wave (aptly named after the mythical dog that guards the gates of hell), which can reach 119 degrees Celsius (48.8 degrees Celsius). China, India, Canada and others have broken gold records that no one wants to touch in recent days, weeks and months. Many are guilty of death. Adding to the list of historic floods that have wreaked havoc this week across the northeastern United States and northern India, dispelling the myth that everywhere is immune to climate change.

vermont overwhelmed by catastrophic flooding;at least 41 dead in northern india after flash floods

If you don’t smoke and have trouble seeing the horizon, Canada’s record fire, which has already burned 23.3 million acres (9.4 million hectares), is still ongoing with months of fire season still to run..

cananada wildfire season worst on record;unhealthy US air quality as wildfires cover the midwest;climate change making wildfires worse, scientists call it new abnormal

All this before “unprecedented” heat in the oceans off the coast of Florida and the Bahamas. Or the sea ice around mysterious Antarctica is at its lowest point in recorded history. Yes, El Niño will be important, but either way it will only add to the volume of the silent message. Climate change is here and if we don’t act it will get worse. The truth is that these effects happen at the same time and the text at the same time. Like heat and fire, it’s in a way you’ve never seen before. This is your chance. Because of all the events that have transpired, it’s worth remembering that it doesn’t have to be that way. Burning fossil fuels got us here. We know how to leave. It begins work on the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy needed to reach net zero by 2050.

Achieving true net zero is more than achieving a nice buzzword.

Science clearly shows that at net zero, global warming will stop immediately. The Earth can begin to heal, and within a few years the temperature can begin to drop, limiting the impacts of climate change from significant levels to normal levels.
The opportunities that present themselves in the form of extreme weather and weather effects have shaped our cultural outlook and affected our lives in times of extreme stress. You can’t turn on AC power and ignore it. That way, it’s time to force and change the conversation.

What does that mean? It means talking about the weather and what we can do whenever the opportunity arises. This means that you talk about the crisis when you talk to family members or colleagues (which we all have) who are not necessarily interested in the subject, but not in the patch against cooperation theory. You mentioned the flood. You said this summer is important because we need to move away from fossil fuels. The impact seems to affect their minds. It’s up to you to tell us what they mean, fossil fuels got us here, and what we can do about it.
We got it These conversations are not always easy. But for many people, their hearts are only open for a short time. This is your chance to bring the truth home and be able to cross your fingers and get more people behind the energetic shifts and solutions needed to ensure the season This summer isn’t every summer.
Can we succeed? Is this the summer we turn the tide? As Neils Bohr, Yogi Berra and Mark Twain said, “Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.” But since there are a lot of them in the locker room, you will miss 100% of your shots. We have an opportunity here. Let’s not waste it. Yes do not worry. Don’t worry too much. But don’t stop there. Be brave and speak up.


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